Monogamy: Nature's way or Man's way?

sex and marriage, mating and philandering

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Being faithful

A person can easily get distracted living in the modern world. There are attractions and attractive people of both sexes being bannered not just on TV and magazines but also on Billboards showing their best features in various levels of semi-nudity. President Jimmy Carter's candid admission on Playboy of having committed lust in his heart shows that even presidents are not immune to the flaw of 'the wandering eye'. The French are reputed to be the world's most amorous people which would lead one to conclude that most if not all of French women are not faithful to their mates. This is a big generalization but think for a while. If the french male is such a big lover, who does he make love to? his wife exclusively? or maybe if he is not married. his girlfriend to the exclusion of others?

Much has been said of romantic conquests and this brings to mind a question that maybe there are more philanderers than faithful folk in the world. Is man therefore predisposed to have concurrently more than one sexual partner? Can a wandering eye expose a heart that beats with a desire for more than just one mate? Is it any more difficult for a male to be faithful than for a female? I am sure that both men and women share similar desires that need to be fulfilled. Do women secretly fantasize about other men while making love to their husbands? What if there is no sexual satisfaction on one partner or both, will that drive a wedge between two wedded partners? How long will their marriage last in that case?

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